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Dental Clinic
- Composites
- SHOFU kompozit gingiva/enamel
- Opaker paste za prekrivanje metala (livenih nadogradnji)
- Light-Cured Composites
- ProFil™Dental Restorative Material
- ProFil 2 u 1
- ProFil Sets
- ProLine™ Intro Box
- ProVeneer
- GlasIonomer
- Adhesive systems
- Cements
- Paste for prophylaxis and polishing
- Silicone impression material
- C silicone
- Silicone bite registration materials
- Soft relining
- Materials for temporary restoration
- Liquids / solutions
- Sealants
- Prophylaxis
- Function taking materials
- prophylaxis powder intense
- Instruments
- Accessories
- Education models and gifts
- Sistemi za beljenje
- Dental units
- Dental furniture
- Dental Devices
- Bone grafting material
- Luminaires
- Dynamic Abutment Solutions
Dental works
- Bezmetalna keramika
- Metalokeramičke krune i mostovi
- Keramičke i kompozitne fasete
- Privremene kompozitne krune
- Krune i mostovi na implantima
- Uslužna izrada cirkon kora
- Individualni titanijumski abatmenti
- Okluzalno šrafljene krunice i mostovi od cirkona
- Okluzalno šrafljene metalokeramičke krunice i mostovi
- Okluzalno šrafljene titanijumske krunice i mostovi
- Kompozitne restauracije preko titanijumske i/ili CrCo osnove
- Teleskop krune
- Livene nadogradnje
- Kompozitne (fiberglas) nadogradnje
- Totalne proteze
- Parcijalne akrilatne proteze
- Parcijalne sleketirane proteze - vizil
- Parcijalne skeletirane proteze sa atečmenima
- Podlaganje totalne proteze
- Reparature zubne proteze
- Dodatak zuba ili kukice u protezu
- Zaštitne folije za zube
- Privremeni rad
Dental Laboratory
- System for all ceramic crown
Supplies and Equipment ZirkonZahn
- Cirkon blokovi
- Prettau blokovi
- Prettau 2 Dispersive
- Temp Basic
- Temp Premium Flexible
- Try In
- Burnout
- Sintermetall
- Titan
- Chrom Cobalt
- Wax blank
- Milling burs
- Keys
- Colour Liquid
- Malfarbe
- Tools for processing and polishing
- Light-cured composite
- Aesthetic composite
- Lamps
- Additional materials and equipment Zirkograph
- Micromotors
- Sucction Systems
- Motor-driven centrifuge
- Photopolymerizator
- Surveyor
- Steamcleaner
- Ceramic Furnace
- Sandblasters
- Drill Plaster Machine
- Hydraulic Press
- Model Trimmer
- Vacuum mixers
- Vibrators
- Compressors
- Digital Wax melter
- Turbines
- Lamps
- Wax knive
- Complete torch
- Melting Machine
- Cylinder Furnaces
- Cleaner
- Bunsen
- Center Grinder
- Metal Printer
- Vacuum Forming Machine
- Vacuum forming sheets
- Ultrasonic Machine
- Articulators
- Additional Equipment
- 3D Printer
- 3D printers
- Materials for relining
- Ceramic metal
- Ceramics for zirkon
- Ceramic liquids
- Materials for composite veneers
- Stains
- Shofu Disk ZR Lucent
- Waxes
- Metal
- Investment
- Sand
- Funding for insulation
- Silicone materials
- Polishes
- Gingival / implant mask
- Light curing polymers
- Vintage LD Porcelain
- Vintage LD Press
- Gips
- Materials for 3D print
- Vacuum sheets
- SHOFU Block HC
- Instruments
- Furniture
- Luminaires
- Dynamic Abutment Solutions
- Tečna keramika
- Implantology
- Services
- Dermal fillers
- Oral Helth
Dental Laboratory
€ 252,00€ 227,00ušteda: € 25,00
VeneerME - set of 3 complete boxes, 3 PU pads, 3 membrane-frames
Smile Line -